


Environmental Protection Agency | 美国环保局

美国EPA注册和认证    关于EPA    Environmental Protection Agency | 美国环保局

美国环境保护局(英语:Environmental Protection Agency,缩写:EPA),简称美国环保局,是美国联邦政府一个独立行政机构,负责维护自然环境与保护人类健康不受环境危害及污染影响。EPA由美国总统理查·尼克松提议设立,获国会批准后于1970年12月2日成立运行。环保局成立前,美国政府没有可协同对付环境污染问题的部会。局长为内阁级官员,由美国总统直接提名,需参议院投票同意任命,直接向总统负责。





行政和人力资源管理办公室(Office of Administration and Resources)

空气和辐射办公室(Office of Air and Radiation)

环境执法办公室(Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance)

环境信息办公室(Office of Environmental Information)

环境司法办公室(Office of Environmental Justice)

财务主管办公室(Office of the Chief Financial Officer)

科学政策办公室(Office of General Counsel)

环境巡查办公室(Office of Inspector General)

国际事务办公室(Office of International Affairs)

污染、杀虫剂和有毒物质办公室(Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances)

研究和发展办公室(Office of Research and Development)

固体废弃物和应急反应办公室(Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response)

水办公室(Office of Water)















The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is an independent administrative agency of the United States federal government responsible for maintaining the natural environment and protecting human health from environmental hazards and pollution. The EPA was proposed by US President Richard Nixon and was established and operated on December 2, 1970 after being approved by Congress. Before the establishment of the EPA, the US government had no department that could work together to deal with environmental pollution problems. The director is a cabinet-level official, nominated directly by the President of the United States, and must be voted by the Senate to be appointed, and is directly responsible to the President.

The EPA currently has approximately 18,000 full-time employees, and its agencies include the Washington, DC headquarters, 10 regional branches, and more than 17 research laboratories.

The specific responsibilities of the EPA include formulating and enforcing environmental regulations in accordance with environmental laws enacted by Congress, conducting or sponsoring environmental research and environmental projects, and strengthening environmental education to cultivate the public's environmental awareness and sense of responsibility.

Existing management agencies:

Office of Administration and Resources

Office of Air and Radiation

Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance

Office of Environmental Information

Office of Environmental Justice

Office of the Chief Financial Officer

Office of Science Policy

Office of General Counsel

Office of Inspector General

Office of International Affairs

Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances

Office of Research and Development

Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response

Office of Water


EPA currently has 10 regional bureaus, each with the following jurisdictions:

Branch One: Responsible for Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont, with an office in Boston.

Second Division: Responsible for New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, with an office in New York.

Third Division: Responsible for Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia, with an office in Philadelphia.

Fourth Division: Responsible for Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee, with an office in Atlanta.

Fifth Division: Responsible for Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin, with an office in Chicago.

Sixth Division: Responsible for Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas, with an office in Dallas.

Seventh Division: Responsible for Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska, with an office in Kansas City.

The 8th Division: responsible for Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming, with an office in Denver.

The 9th Division: responsible for Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada and Samoa, with an office in San Francisco.

The 10th Division: responsible for Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. The office is located in Seattle.

Although the EPA has agencies in various states, each state has its own environmental management agency, which is not affiliated with the federal EPA, but is subject to supervision and inspection by the EPA regional office. Unless otherwise expressly provided by federal law, the state environmental protection agency will cooperate with the federal EPA. The environmental management agencies of each state are responsible to the state government and perform their duties independently in accordance with state laws. The personnel of the management agency are decided by each state. The person in charge and the budget are similar to the federal mechanism, nominated by the governor and approved by the state legislature. Conflicts arising from the implementation of environmental policies by environmental management agencies in various states shall be adjudicated by local courts.


美国EPA注册和认证    关于EPA    Environmental Protection Agency | 美国环保局